Martin R. Textor (Hrsg.): The Divorce and Divorce Therapy Handbook. Northvale: Jason Aronson 1989 (Hardcover), 1994 (Paperback), 380 Seiten - Hardcover beim Verlag oder bei Amazon bestellen - Paperback beim Verlag oder bei Amazon bestellen


Ein umfassendes Handbuch für Therapeut/innen und Berater/innen, die mit aus Trennung, Scheidung und Wiederheirat resultierenden Problemen zu tun haben.


Part I: Divorce

Martin R. Textor:
The Divorce Transition

L. Rebecca Propst/Linda Fries:
Problems and Needs of Adults

William C. Nichols:
Problems and Needs of Children

Lawrence A. Kurdek:
Children's Adjustment

William G. Neville:

Craig A. Everett/Sandra S. Volgy:
Mediating Child Custody Disputes

Kenneth K.Berry:
The Mental Health Specialist as Child Advocate in Court

Part II: Divorce Therapy

David G. Rice:
Marital Therapy and the Divorcing Family

Douglas H. Sprenkle:
The Clinical Practice of Divorce Therapy

Donald K. Granvold:
Postdivorce Treatment

Carol Rotter Lowery:
Psychotherapy with Children of Divorced Families

Janine M. Bernard:
School Interventions

David M. Young:
Group Intervention for Children of Divorced Families

Connie J. Salts:
Group Therapy for Divorced Adults

Part III: New Family Systems

Nancy J. Warren/Judy T. Konanc:
Single-Parent Families

Patricia Kain Knaub:
The Stepfamily

Clifford J. Sager:
Treatment of the Remarried Family